Other Walks Other Lines - San Jose Museum of Art

Happy New Year! Welcome to my newly updated blog. It is now connected to my event planning business website. I love that now everything is cohesive.

To start off 2019 I decided to renew my membership at the San Jose Museum of Art. While visiting the museum I was really inspired by the newest exhibit called Other Walks Other Lines. The current theme throughout the museum is about walking, while experiencing sites along the way. This really lends itself to why people enjoy city scavenger hunts. My latest hunt is called I Love SJ Hunt. This is a scavenger hunt for locals to get a chance to see the artistic culture that this city has to offer.

During the Other Walks Other Lines exhibit, I read “Walking has a history as long and varied as humankind. Whether for changing location or simply exercise, purpose, or incidental, walking is both universal and idiosyncratic; we all traverse different paths, shaped by specific encounters and experiences”. “Walking is an impure practice. We walk and think, we move to and from a place, through a landscape, and we engage a set of encounters along the way; mind, body, and world are connected. “

Along with this exhibit there was a fun area called Interpretation: Take a Walk. Leave A Walk. I was really excited about this interactive area. There is a map of Bay Area trails printed on a wall. The museum encourages one to pin an area on the map with descriptions and drawings of your favorite meaningful/cathartic/exciting/purposeful walk and add it to the map. I read in a portion of the exhibit ”Even if we cannot talk to each other, we still can share a walk.” This made me feel happy about how much the Bay Area really has to offer by foot. When I lived in San Francisco for five years we used to walk everywhere and see so much along the way. We also used to go up north of Santa Rosa to Sonoma County. One of my favorite walks was in the rain and hail at “The Armstrong Redwoods”. This area is near Korbel Champagne Cellars north of Guerneville. It has an amazing deli where we picked up a picnic lunch and ate in the woods under our umbrellas with the hail coming down hard. We found out later that this is the “Ewok Village” that was filmed in the movie Return of the Jedi.

I really want 2019 to be about getting out more while walking and seeing new things along the way. I hope you find a way to do the same.

Interpretation: Take A Walk. Leave A Walk. - San Jose Museum of Art

Interpretation: Take A Walk. Leave A Walk. - San Jose Museum of Art

Interpretation: Take A Walk. Leave A Walk. - Map Label Station - San Jose Museum of Art

Interpretation: Take A Walk. Leave A Walk. - Map Label Station - San Jose Museum of Art

Inspirational Walking Books - San Jose Museum of Art

Inspirational Walking Books - San Jose Museum of Art